Friday, May 31, 2013

14 Telling Signs You Love Your Job

14 Telling Signs You Love Your Job
~Mansi Sonawane, Recruiter and Blogger

I  Just came across a wonderful read and just thought to share with all of you.

You may not give your computer screen an embarrassingly gushing smile and you might not write little love notes during your lunch break. But, there are ways to tell if you love your job.
Of course, no job is perfect -- even the best of relationships have their down days. We all have to do things we don’t like. I love working at HubSpot, it's the best job I've ever had. But, even I have “off” days where I'm not spending all my time doing things I absolutely love.
So all of the following may not be the case all of the time… but when you love your job, many of the following should be the case much of the time:
1. You don’t talk about other people; you talk about the cool things other people are doing.
“I hear Mary is heading up a new project. What are they working on?” “I’d love to know how Mike managed to rescue that customer relationship.” “Sherry developed a new sales channel; is there some way we can leverage that?”
When you love your job you don’t gossip about the personal failings of others. You talk about their successes, because you’re happy for them – and because you’re happy with yourself.
2. You think, “I hope I get to…” instead of, “I hope I don’t have to…”
When you love your job it’s like peeling an onion. There are always more layers to discover and explore.
When you hate your job it’s also like peeling an onion – but all you discover are more tears.
3. You see your internal and external customers not as people to satisfy but simply as people.
They aren't numbers. You think of them as real people who have real needs.
And you gain a real sense of fulfillment and purpose from taking care of those needs.
4. You enjoy your time at work.
You don't have to put in time at work and then escape to life to be happy. You believe in enjoying life and enjoying work.
When you love your job, it’s a part of your life. You feel alive and joyful not just at home – but also at work.
5. You would recommend working at your company to your best friend…
In fact, you can't stop talking about how cool your company is and the awesome work you're doing even when you're away from work.
6. You enjoy attending meetings.
No, seriously, you enjoy meetings. Why? Because it’s fun to be at the center of thoughtful, challenging discussions that lead to decisions, initiatives, and changes – changes you get to be a part of.
7. You don’t think about surviving. You think about winning.
You don't worry much about losing your job. You're more worried about not achieving your potential. Not being as impactful as you can.
8. You see your manager as a person you work with, not for.
You feel valued. You feel respected.
You feel trusted.
9. You don’t want to let your coworkers down.
Not because you’ll get in trouble or get a bad performance review, but because you admire them – and you want them to admire you.
10. You hardly ever look at the clock.
You’re too busy making things happen. When you do look at the clock, you often find that the time has flown.
11. You view success in terms of fulfillment and gratification – not just promotions and money.
Everyone wants to be promoted. Everyone wants to earn more.
You definitely feel that way too… but somewhere along the way your job has come to mean a lot more to you than just a paycheck. And if you left this job, even if for a lot higher salary… you would still miss it.
A lot.
12. You leave work with items on your to-do list you’re excited about tackling tomorrow.
Many people cross the “fun” tasks off their to-do lists within the first hour or two.
You often have cool stuff – new initiatives, side projects, hunches you want to confirm with data, people you want to talk to – left over when it’s time to go home.
13. You help without thinking.
You like seeing your colleagues succeed, so it’s second nature to help them out. You pitch in automatically.
And they do the same for you.
14. You don’t think about retirement… because retirement sounds boring…
…and a lot less fulfilling.
How many of the above statements apply to you and your job?
If you said:
0-3: You may want to find a new job. Life is too short.
4-6: You don't hate your job... but you don't love it either. What can you do differently?
7-10: You really enjoy your job and the people you work with
11-14: You are deeply, madly in love with your job! (and your friends are jealous!)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Cheaper to Train Than Recruit

It’s Cheaper to Train Than Recruit

by SHARLYN LAUBY, HR Bartender

I learned a long time ago that in business it’s cheaper to keep the customers you have than to continuously attract new ones. That’s not to say companies shouldn’t always try to get new customers. But there needs to be a focus on keeping 
training, development, employee training, acquisition, customer service, recruitthe customers you have for two reasons: first, you already spent the cost to acquire them and second, because you’ve already won them over to your brand.
Businesses stay focused on keeping customers by knowing the cost of acquiring a customer and the customer satisfaction with their product/service. In addition, they know the cost of losing a customer.
Occasionally, customers leave for all the right reasons. For example, when they outgrow the needs of a product or service. But they remain raving fans of the company – because that company helped them grow and succeed.
If we think about it, the same philosophy applies to employees. When a company hires an employee, they invest a lot of time, energy and resources in sourcing, advertising, interviews, offers, etc. Then the new hire goes through orientation and onboarding. They might participate in other kinds of company training.  Their supervisor spends time talking with the employee about performance expectations, departmental policies and more.
So when the employee makes a mistake, instead of immediately thinking warnings, discipline and possibly termination, maybe we should consider coaching, mentoring or additional training? After all, the company already has a lot of money invested in this employee.
Another way to look at it is examining the cost of hiring an employee and the impact of employee satisfaction.Along with the cost of losing an employee.
Like customers, sometimes allowing an employee to leave the company is exactly the right thing to do. Maybe the company can’t give them what they need. Letting an employee pursue their professional goals, even if it means them leaving the company, could turn them into a raving fan for your business.
I know, I know, it can be a pain to fix employee situations and customer complaints. On the surface, it might appear easier to find another customer or hire another employee. But if we’ve already made the investment, it might make sense to look for alternatives to abandoning the relationship.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Biggest Misconception About Recruiters

The Biggest Misconception About Recruiters

~ Martin Briceno   Martin Briceno, author of the My Career Development HQ blog, is a former recruiter and freelance resume writer. He is a lifelong resident of New York City and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communications.

As a job seeker, you’ve probably been heard more than once to contact a recruiter to assist you in finding a job. In fact, I’ve even advised individuals to submit their resumes to employment agencies that specialize within their industries when they first begin their job search.
Now while it’s true that recruiters help individuals find jobs, therein lies the biggest misconception about recruiters and the role they play within your job search, as well.
The biggest misconception of recruiters explained
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan /
Personally, having worked as a recruiter, I know from first hand experience just how valuable recruiters can be when helping individuals find employment.  Working with recruiters can:
  • Lead to increased response rates from hiring managers;
  • expose you to opportunities you may have otherwise missed;
  • or even expose you to opportunities you may not have considered.
However, the job of a recruiter is, and always will be, to find suitable candidates for the opportunities that they’ve been hired to fill and never the other way around. Simply put, while the objective of a jobseeker is to find a job, the objective of a recruiter is to find the right candidate for an exact job.
Note that these are two very different objectives, and the very reason why I’ve always said that while recruiters can assist you on your job search, never allow yourself to be mistaken into thinking that they will completely takeover your job search and find a job on your behalf. That of course still is, and forever will be, your job.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Job Seeker Do's and Don'ts

Job Seeker Do's and Don'ts
~ Maren Hogan (seasoned marketer and community builder in the HR and Recruiting Industry).

When you’re looking for a new job, don’t just stumble around, be purposeful and knowledgeable about your hunt.  You spend 8 hours a day there, 5 days a week, probably more. This is a big decision, and one that shouldn’t be entered into lightly. Common, seemingly small mistakes can make a big difference between landing the dream job and an endless search, wondering why you’re not getting the call back.
Odds are this isn’t your first, or your last job hunt so keep these do’s and don’ts of job seekers tips in your arsenal.
Do Network (but do it the right way)
How many times have you been at the bar and the same drunk guy keeps handing you his business card. Don’t be that guy.  There is a time and place for networking.  Don’t get it wrong, that place is very often the bar, but display some control and know when you’re over that threshold.
It turns out that an incredible 80 percent of jobs are landed through networking. But not everyone is born networker; some of us aren’t good at it. We aren’t all social butterflies and we don’t all check our klout scores every day. But the biggest mistake you can make is not networking at all.
Don’t Wait Around
The average unemployed U.S. citizen spends about 40 minutes per day on their job search, and a ridiculous 200 minutes watching TV. Every minute you spend on Netflix could be the minute that your dream job has just been landed by a go-getter.  This statistic is just pathetic; if you need a job, go get it! Fifty percent of new hires applied for the position within the first seven days of the job listing. Time to fill is in the forefront of every hiring manager’s mind, so get on it.
Do Use Social Media (but again, do it the right way)
Social media is a fantastic way to stay connected and keep some irons in the fire. But it’s not only a networking tool. Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ are used by employers or hiring managers to catch a glimpse of you, see what you’re about and who you’re in circles with. So keep it clean. Keep your professional networking sites professional, and control what you want others to see. These sites also work the other way. The best way to get a feel of a company’s employer brand or company culture is to check out their sites. You can learn a lot about a company just from searching around their social media for a few minutes.
According to a Forbes article, “How Social Media can Help (or hurt) You in Your Job Search”, of the 37 percent of employers who use social media to screen candidates:
  •  65% said they do it to see if the job seeker presents himself or herself professionally.
  • About half (51%) want to know if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture.
  • 45% want to learn more about his or her qualifications.
  • Some cited “to see if the candidate is well-rounded” and “to look for reasons not to hire the candidate,” as their motives.
  • A third (34%) of employers who scan social media profiles said they have found content that has caused them not to hire the candidate.
Don’t be Afraid to Negotiate Your Salary
Eighteen percent of employees never took the time or opportunity to negotiate their salary. This can be a scary thing. As the new hire, you are sometimes made to feel that the ball is entirely in their court. This simply isn’t the case. They spent time and money on reading your resume, arranging and executing the interview, deliberating over the choice of hire, and doing a background check. They aren’t going to give you the boot if you start talking numbers. If you’re prepared with a counter offer, you’ll know exactly what’s on the table, instead of walking out never knowing, and waiting for a 6 month employee evaluation.
Do Edit
Nothing will kill your chances before you even get in the door like an error  filled resume or profile.  Check and re-check any and all materials that can be potentially seen by a hiring manager. If you didn’t pay attention to detail in your job search, that sends a clear message that you aren’t thorough.
Don’t be a Downer
If you take nothing else from these do’s and don’ts, please take this: Eighty-five percent of the decision to promote or hire an employee is based on the employee's attitude.  No one wants to work with a jerk, so don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Be relaxed, confident and positive in all interactions with your hiring manager.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

4 Things to Do Before You Even Start Looking

4 Things to Do Before You Even Start Looking

~Maren Hogan (seasoned marketer and community builder in the HR and Recruiting Industry).

Job seekers, you have an ever-increasing amount of information at your fingertips, dozens of job boards to search, big social data to wade through, and most of you don’t even know where to begin.  Just diving in without a deliberate direction for a job search can really limit you.  Jumping from site to site, and disorganized networking won'g get you too far.

Before the search begins, get that resume down.

First and foremost, check for any mistakes, grammatical errors, or lines that might not flow well. Read and reread for quality assurance. A strong  resume should be in reverse chronological order of your last 3-5 positions.

Hiring managers wade through thousands of these, so focus on highlighting strengths in a short and sweet manner. Use bullet points and white space to make the resume easy to scan.  Hiring managers take about 6 seconds to look for the basics of any resume, so lengthy paragraphs on strengths in 8 point font is a waste of everyone's time.

Lastly, resumes should be tailored to the position that the you are applying for. When tailoring, consider what the posting is asking for and reflect that in the resume.
Figure out what you want and need in a new position.
With so many companies jumping on the employer branding band wagon, you now get the opportunity to see what a company is like before you even consider applying. Branded web sites, social media, video and employee testimonials are now mainstream. Take advantage of this bird's eye view of their company culture and really consider what you want in a workplace.
You should also consider your needs in a salary. You should, for your worst case scenario, know what you can take at the lowest. You should also be keenly aware of your earning potential and base your negotiations off of that.
Flexible hours, location, childcare, telecommuting, device freedom, vacation time, are all things to consider.  Knowing what you want before you start on this journey is vital.  Walking into an interview humming and hawing will get you slapped (in the hiring manager's mind anyway).
Get ready to be investigated.
Social media will be a huge part in your job search on both your end, and your hiring manager's end.  One in five employers use social sites to research job candidates, so clean it up.  Before you contact anyone, make sure that your online presence is in line with what you want to portray.  And please consider that maybe not everyone wants to hire the fun-loving bar hopper, in fact no one wants to.
For your current purposes, keep everything that is public, professional. A third of employers who scan social media profiles said they have found content that has caused them not to hire the candidate. What you think of as a harmless, funny photo can come off quite differently to someone who doesn’t know you.
Use your Network. Use your social media outlets, email and heck, maybe even the phone, to let people know that you are looking. Matt Youngquist, the president of Career Horizons says.  "At least 70 percent, if not 80 percent, of jobs are not published, and yet most people — they are spending 70 or 80 percent of their time surfing the net versus getting out there, talking to employers, taking some chances [and] realizing that the vast majority of hiring is friends and acquaintances hiring other trusted friends and acquaintances.”

The Ten Most Common Interview Questions

The Ten Most Common Interview Questions

Are you prepared to answer these?

Tell me about yourself
Hint:  30 – 60 second prepared elevator speech.  The interviewer does not want to know that you like dogs and hate cats.  This answer should be concise and give a brief overview of your career and accomplishments.  Your answer should focus on the last 5 years.

Why do you want to work for our company
Hint:  Research the company prior to the interview.  Know what they do, the company culture, etc.

Why should we hire you
Hint:  Make sure you have read the job description and can tell the interviewer specific experience that you have had that relates to the job.

Why do you want to leave your current job
Hint:  The answer should never be “I can’t stand my current boss”.  …even if that is the “real” reason!  One more hint:  the answer should not be that you are looking to increase your salary or income potential.   Avoid making negative statements and keep your answer short.

What is your greatest strength
Hint:  Read the job description to see what the employer is really looking for in a new hire.  Your answer should be a quality that will complement the requirements of the position.

What is your greatest weakness
Hint:  Your goal is to discuss a “real” weakness, but this weakness must not hinder you from doing the job. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years
Hint:  This question should be answered with regards to your career not your personal life.  The interviewer does not want to know if you plan to have children or get married in the next (x) years.  Your answer should focus on what you can do for the company.  A good approach might be to simply say, “My title may change, but it is my hope that I will join a company long-term, where I can continue to grow and contribute.”

Tell me about a time when you had to work with a difficult person
Hint:  Rather than discuss the difficult person, answer this question in general terms.  For instance, “One of my co-workers preferred to work independently, and the project entailed us working as a team.  I approached the situation from her perspective and we came up with a way to work together and complete the project on time.”

What are your salary expectations
Hint:  Try not to answer in a dollar amount.  A good answer might be “I would like to discuss the job requirements first, so I can get a sense of the expectations.”  Or  “I am more interested in the opportunity at this point.”  If you are pressed, you may say “I am open to discussing salary, but first what is the salary range for this position?”

Tell me more about (anything else on your resume)
Hint:  If it is on your resume, it is fair game to discuss!  Be prepared.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is It Time To Leave Your Job?

Is It Time To Leave Your Job?

It goes without saying that “we’ve all been there” at one time or another. You find that there is more negativity in your day than anything else.  You hate getting up in the morning…and find more than enough reasons to hit that snooze alarm.  Energy?  Enthusiasm?  You can’t seem to find either as you fight your way to get into the office.  Coffee…there is the reason that you are there. What you need to ask yourself, is why do I feel this way?  Have I hit a glass ceiling?  Am I no longer growing in my career?  Is my new boss stifling my ability to “do”?  What stumbling block am I dealing with? …and can it be fixed?
Many conclude that the best option is to look for a new job.  But have you done all that you can to salvage the career that you have been building?  First thing you need to do is pinpoint the problem.  There are good reasons and bad reasons for changing jobs.


1)    You are no longer having "fun".

Everyone has good days and bad days.  But when the bad days outnumber the good ones for months…it is time to move on. 

2)    Your company is struggling financially.

If you are hearing of impending layoffs and financial troubles, it makes sense to take a look around.  Job searches can take a long time…and it is easier to find a new job when you are currently employed.

3)    Your career goals cannot be met.

If there is no upward mobility and your career path is questionable, it is time to move on.  Some things cannot be changed.  For example, if your wish is to move into a management role, and you are working for a small family owned company, where you know this is not possible, then you owe it to yourself to consider looking for another job.

4)    You are not performing to the best of your ability.

We all have bad days.  But when days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months, you may be burnt out.  If you are under-challenged…or (gasp!) overworked, and you see no way to change this, it is time to update that resume.
Certainly these are not the only reasons to consider making a career change.  My point is that you need to get to the source of the problem and whether or not it is fixable.  Then you need to determine your course of action. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

12 Critical Things To Do On Social Media Prior To Your Job Interview

Credit Jenny Kay Pollock January 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Why Should I Use A Recruiter? Read this article and find out!

Benefits of Using a Recruiter
~Credit to Evelyn Amaro, Nation Staff

Why Should I Use a Recruiter?

You are at your desk, or at home watching TV when you get a call from a recruiter who has found your contact information using the many secrets of the trade (sorry – that’s one secret I intend to keep). Before you hang up the phone, remember that recruiters can hold the keys to the hidden jewels of the job market. Use them and they may just open the door to a new career opportunity. I am not saying this because I am a recruiter, because I’m not – I just work for them. What I have learned working behind the scenes is the important role a recruiter can play in a person's career path. Even if you are not looking now, you may need their help later, so this applies to those who are blissfully happy with their careers, as well as those looking for a new opportunity. Here are the top 5 reasons why you should use a recruiter. Look for Part II: What to expect from your recruiter on Thursday.
  1. Hidden Job Market. I said earlier that recruiters hold the hidden jewels of the job market, and here they are – undisclosed jobs. Many times, especially with Sr level positions, companies have confidential roles that are for restricted eyes only. Companies then turn to recruiters for help with these positions. You cannot find these positions listed on Monster, or the various other job sites on the web. Imagine - your dream job may just be a recruiter away. This point goes hand in hand with #2.
  2. Connections. Recruiters have clout with hiring managers and sr. level executives - many of us do not. You send your resume to numerous companies, and post your resume on various job sites to no avail. You still haven’t heard a peep. Recruiters have the connections to not only get you in the door, but also get feedback – whether positive or negative – rather quickly. Think of how many others are applying to the same job you are…tons. Hiring managers and HR personnel simply cannot and do not have the time to review every resume. A recruiter can guarantee that you won’t be just another resume in a pile; you will be sent to Sr manager who will review your resume. Don’t you love recruiters just a little bit more now?
  3. Expertise. Are you underpaid? Overpaid? Are you ready for a Sr role? Are your technical skills up to par? There are a number of questions that can help you make an informed decision when it comes to strategic career planning, and a recruiter is a great resource to utilize. They can help you find answers and ask questions that will guide you to the right job and the right steps to take in order to advance your career. Best of all, this information is free, unbiased and essential when determining your position and worth in today’s job market.
  4. End Game is the same. You and your recruiter have the same goal, and that is to make sure you are putting your best foot forward, meeting the right people, and hopefully getting you an ideal role that is a perfect fit for both you and your future employer. They're on your side. This leads me to point #5…
  5. Long-term ally. Let’s say you found a recruiter, you find a job (whether it was their role or not), and you are now perfectly content, remember this may not always be the case. Come 3-5 years down the line you may decide to try your hands at a new company/role again. Or you may spend the rest of your days in the company you are working for, but may need advice when it comes to compensation, employee rights, etc… You now have an ally that is there for you to utilize. Recruiters (meaning legitimate, professional recruiters) are in it for the long haul. They are in the business of building relationships with both candidates and clients, and making sure both parties are equally satisfied. Therefore you not only gain a new role, but you also gain an important ally to guide you through your current and future career path.
So the next time a recruiter calls you, you just might want to pick up the phone.